Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tastes like Butter..

One night my wife and I were visiting some friends. If i recall we were having dinner. At one point in the night they happened to take out a tub of margarine from the fridge. "Tastes Like Butter".  A local grocery store off brand of  "I Can't Believe its Not Butter".

Immediately we started laughing a the name and eventually I started thinking.. well if Fabio is the spokes person for ICINB then who would be the spokes person for Tastes Like butter... well here's the commercial as i play it out in my mind.

The Camera shows hands... dirty fingernails...greasy hands holding a knife dipping into the tub of margarine.  Then the camera follows the hands as it spreads the butter on top of a sliced open glazed donut.  A black and yellow tooth smile from a acid washed jeans wearing woman looks in awe at the man as he spreads the butter.  Slobio, Stands proudly.  He is wearing a trucker hat, dirty overalls and a wife beater so stained he might have legal grounds to actually beat his wife.  He has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and  the ashes are falling onto his donut during its asent to his disgusting pedofile-esque mustache adorned lips.  The woman spills her keystone as she is overwhelmed with amazement of this mysterious yet filthy creature.  He notices her wanting eyes and motions for her to  come to his table to share in feast. He then dips his hands in the tub and uses the margarine to slick back his hair. She sits down on the picnic table next to him. He gracefully slides her half of the donut on a paper plate. Their hands touch. They pause. Their eyes lock tight   He opens his mouth and says, "Err. i dohn know wha dis is.. but it "tastes like butter"

well there ya have it :P

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